Biden didn't look so weak tonight, scoring 70% on a write-in campaign done by we "ragtag forces" (I think that's what the US Army called the Taliban and the Viet Cong, and the British Army called the Minutemen - before they found out the real meaning of the term) to kick that stupid Yuppie Dean and his buddy Steve Schmidt in their asses.

I spent the evening watching "Domina," a really good historical drama about the fall of the Roman Empire and the rise of the Imperium, and I came away wondering if it's possible to paint hamberders with Nightshade the way they were doing it with oysters. Quick acting and leaves no trace.

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I voted yesterday for Niki in a small New Hampshire and the only person there with a sign was a middle aged woman with a sign on how to complete an "write-in" ballot for Biden, so the local Democratic party had their act together. I am quickly googling "Nightshade" ingredients after writing this. ;-)

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I laughed out loud.

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Mike, at first glance I thought the new nick, Ron DeSycophantis. was in relation to Ron's newly close approximation to a man that "might" have syphillis. Now, I am not saying its so, but "People are talking." But Matt Labash caused me to re-evaluate and I looked up Sycophantis, and it is very clever. Two thumps up!! I putti through Google Translate and it comes up very smooth. Nice!

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off topic: Mike, need your levity on hax. last episode, I felt for Sarah.

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Chris Christie, former federal prosecutor and not one to pull punches, thinks Trump will be convicted and jailed pending appeal. If that happens, the GOP will need a Plan B nominee, someone who ran the primaries, accrued some delegates.

I think that’s Haley’s plan.

This saving her reputation idea is cute, but in today’s GOP, with a case of permanent amnesia, that’s overthinking it. DeSantis delivered a hostage video endorsement, but look at his attacks of Trump now. He clearly is looking over the horizon and thinks memories are short.

Think 1968, and what Humphrey *might* have done had he known Fate would clear the field for him: he would have run in some primaries (he ran in none and IMO it was a factor in his loss to Nixon, albeit not the major one).

My two cents.

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Mike, like you, my heart wants her to fight on, but if I were advising her I would follow your advice and slowly move to the corner waiting to pick up the pieces after the chaos subsides.

I do wonder a few things. What would have happened if DeSantis had stayed in till after NH? He had about 7% before dropping out, but ended up at around .7%. I assume that 7% went mostly to Trump. Would a 4% win by Trump really hurt him and it would have been the story. Nikki, the Comeback gal.

Trump does seem to be showing significant mental decline, even for him, in the last few weeks. The rocket monologue, confusing Nikki and Nancy, and yesterday attacking Nikki's dress??! The Biden campaign is going all out to hype these events, does that help Nikki much? Doesn't that provide some pause for the Maga adjacent?

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