Mike, I totally agree with you. Haley doing this during a dead week in the news is especially tragic. It really isn’t hard to say the word “slavery” when it comes to the Civil War.

I do want to ask a favor. You mention the “War of Northern Aggression joke that’s not really a joke alley (sic) you can occasionally hear from time to time from southerners.” I am a southerner and you would never hear that from me or most of my friends here in Georgia. It does get said but usually by the dumbest ass in the room.Next time just add the modifier “some southerners” or “MAGA southerners.” That way, you don’t make the people of the south look like a bunch of inbred imbeciles sitting on a cabin porch strumming a banjo. BTW, I play the banjo but in a bluegrass band.

Thanks for your work. I enjoy this and Hacks on Tap.

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Steve, does your state still use that term, The War of Northern Aggression, in the public schools?

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It does not. The terms used are: Civil War and War Between the States. Even when I was in school in the late 60s and 70s, those were the terms.

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Hi, Mr. Murphy. Great catch on Haley’s most recent unforced error, but speaking of…this piece REALLY needs proofing.

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That’s not an unforced error she is Stephanie a’la Stephen of Django Unchained. She is born that way, it’s her nature. She is what we desis call her Coconut.

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Yeah, it would make it more shareable. I'm worried ppl's short attendion span will turn them off during the couple of stumbles

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Mike, as someone living in NH and planning to vote for Niki for all the reasons you articulated, I wasn't sure if I should laugh or cry. Here in NH, we often ask the tough questions, but only today's Republicans think that was a hard one. A reporter on "Morning Joe" mentioned that all of Haley's opponents' staff called her to ridicule Niki's answer but when asked for their candidate's position on the subject became angry and refused to answer. ;-) Personally, I am hoping to Vivek about his parents view of the "Replacement theory."

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I bet every one of them watching her, must have been jum[ing up & down with joy that they hadn’t been asked but she was and she was fucking it up royally.

As for Mr. Ramaswamy, he is worse than Nikki. In actuality, the two PIOs (persons of Indian Origin, which I am one) are competing to go away with the enviable trophy of which one is the Most Stephen or more Stephanie (a’la Django Unchained) of the 2024 election cycle. They just booted out Timmmy Scott out of the field. But I should mention that Timmmy was doing pretty well except he ran out of $$. I guess the donor class likes more of Brown Stephens or Stephanies, than the genuine ones.

BTW Mr. Ramaswamy’s mother is or was a psychiatrist, and his daddy is or was a Principal Staff Engineer at Jack Welch’s GE. Yet he claimed to be poor when applying for and getting Soros’s money for the financially challenged. The fucker sold both his mom down the river. He portrayed Mom as a nurse and Papa as some kind of technician or a lathe operator in one of Jack Welch’s Hovels constantly threatened with layoffs. He is just scum as Nikki calls him.

But then Nikki ain’t a saint either. Her daughter who goes as Nalin sends out solicitations for her mother’s campaign. Yet she gets all worked up that Vivek took Nalin to task with her TikTok usage. Of course, Stephanie came and pulled reverse Ivanka asking Stephen to keep her daughter out of it. Just like Ivanka pulled the Daddy card as the senior adviser to the Mango Mussolini when asked about her Daddy laying the pip on two porn stars. I am sick of the putrid RepugniKKKlan party.

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None of it matters because she isn’t a real candidate and this isn’t a really campaign. It’s Trump’s Party; the rest is just spectacle.

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Nikki's Cuttlefish Comment is part of a long line of southern apologists. Here's an example of Whataboutism and US Slavery from 1850 https://forgottenfiles.substack.com/p/whataboutism-and-us-slavery-1850

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Kudos to u.

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As Harry Truman pointed out way back in 1948, "the only 'good Repuiblicans' are pushing up daisies."

Haley in office would preside over Trump's Agenda47 and issue the Day One Dictator EO's with the same stupidity El Fatass Del Mar A Lardo would. As would any other member of the Confederate White People's Treason and Sedition Party, currently masquerading as the former Republican Party.

There. Are. No. Good. Republicans. Left.

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Hello TC, this is the same Secular from Bulwark. For the mods at Bulwark, who starch their knicker a tad more than necessary, my comments about that 20th-century Machiavelli, when he croaked in December, were a bridge too far and banned me for the next 100 years. I am looking forward to the joyous day when I can comment again from 12th December 2123. Nikki will be his JillaBrand that JillaBrand never was and will do anything for the Mango Mussolini. There hasn’t been a good repugniKKKlan ever since the congenial bigot got elected in 1980.

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You are welcome to comment over at That's Another Fine Mess, where our knickers are not starched.


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Talk about a complete face plant moment. And she & the campaign made it worse today trying to salvage it. Oof.

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I think today was much worse than yesterday. She had hours to reflect and regroup. She comes back with bad character excuses.

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Really? This is the best the GOP has to counter the repetitive crushing waves currently eroding constitutional democracy? A uni-party cuttlefish? Republicans have options-someone who will elevate the discourse, not dumb it down. Someone whose principle-based approach made a great state better in tough circumstances without pursuing personal wealth (DeSantis) or who has built tremendous personal wealth and has now decided to selflessly apply direct and principle-based discourse to lead ( Raveswamy). Unfortunately too many voters are focused on popularity rather than competence and a tough, well balanced leader who may not sling focus group palaver but has the skills to stop the erosion.

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You know I agree with you and LOVE your take. It’s all so true and incisive. Too many typos though lol. Thanks for the Nikki take... she’s a flounder.

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I thought all her comments about freedom from government came from a where irony goes to die website? 🙄

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I am a lifelong Republican, (except the last 8years) heading into my 6th decade at the speed of an Ohtani fastball. In those 6 decades I’ve seen and done a lot in Republican politics. I’ve worked for 2 senators, hosted multiple fundraising events, consulted etc. And yet, I simply cannot answer a very simple question, when did the party of Bill Buckley and Ronald Reagan become the party of the “Deep South?”

Haley’s stumble was pathetic and ridiculous, but really, why does anyone think she’ll pay a price for it with the voters? (Spoiler alert; SHE WON’T!) The ethos of the Deep South, with its maniacally uneducated and wildly ignorant Evangelicals Christians, IS THE REPUBLICAN PARTY.

So while it’s fun to poke at the simpleton performance of Haley, the real question is why is this the only answer she could give? When did the educated elite, Country Club republicans become Deep South, uneducated hillbillies?

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U sir give far too much credit to that incorrigible unvarnished openly racist scum, who founded that racist rag that goes by National Review. His inner cities tour in the 1960s and feigning apologies for his racist screed about the inferior culture ppl could be subjugated as against democracy by ppl of superior culture. I knew that was all a fucking sham when he was licking the boots of them Apatheidists PW & Pik Botha in the 1970s & 1980s and vilifying Mandela as a communist. Sir ur icon was nothing but a racist scum and also a degenerate who considered his grandchild pre-deceased him.

And coming to ur other icon, he was just a suave congenial bigot. I will grant u he had a sunny disposition but was in the inside an absolute racist. That is evident from the time he called Nixon to fume with him about the African countries voting against the US position in the UN. That was an unvarnished racist screed. To top it the congenial bigot launches his campaign from Philadelphia Mississippi. The only thing Philadelphia MS, is known for is it is the county seat of Neshoba County. That is the place “Three Civil Rights Workers Murdered in Mississippi. On June 21, 1964, James Chaney, Michael Schwerner, and Andrew Goodman were tortured and murdered by the KKK with help from the deputy sheriff near Philadelphia in Neshoba County, Mississippi“. That was a bullhorn to the racist whites that the party of Lincoln had done a 180-degree turn and they were all welcome. It was from that day that the Republican party had turned into RepugniKKKlan party. It perhaps took u nearly 4 decades to realize it. I knew it that very day.

Sorry to have disabused u of both ur icons. They are both absolute scum not worthy of ur adoration. My sincere apologies.

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Gingrinch is when the switch happened. The '94 midterms is when the South became Republican.

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I beg to differ it happened the day the congenial bigot started his campaign for Philadelphia Mississippi. That was the day the Republican party became the ReugniKKKlan party. He laid the red carpet for the southern white boys to come join them in droves. And they did and continue to this day.

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I’m not sure I completely agree but I certainly don’t disagree with that position. But it only answers when the South became republican, my question is when did the classic “country-club republican normies” become ideologically Deep South racist, er, “conservative?”

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When Obama got elected was when the party's ideology became purely white grievance.

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Trumpf’s “birdbrain” insult has finally come to roost. I’m sure he’ll ridicule and the cult will swoon accordingly.

IMHO Nikki comes across tense, calculating with clenched jaw to boot. The girl has got to relax. Hillary would make a purrfekt Haley strategist.

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